Why Is Your Skin so Dry When You Moisturize?
When you walked out of the store with that brand-new moisturizer, you felt sure that this would be the end […]
Why Is Your Skin so Dry When You Moisturize? CONTINUE READING
Skin dryness can be the result of environmental factors, such as wind and cold weather, or it can be the result of underlying medical conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis. Dry skin can also be the result of using harsh soaps, detergents, or cleansers, or it can simply be a sign that your skin is not getting enough moisture. If you are suffering from dry skin, there are a number of things you can do to help relieve the symptoms and get your skin back to its healthy state.
When you walked out of the store with that brand-new moisturizer, you felt sure that this would be the end […]
Why Is Your Skin so Dry When You Moisturize? CONTINUE READING
Nobody likes having dry skin anywhere on their body, but the itching and flaking is especially problematic when it occurs
It doesn’t seem to matter what you slather onto it or how delicately you treat it — that dry skin
You’ve heard of hyaluronic acid. You know all about glycerin and ceramides. But your moisturizer know-how isn’t complete without panthenol.
What Is Panthenol? Everything to Know About this Miraculous Moisturizer CONTINUE READING
Our bodies need water to function, and our skin is no exception to that rule. Dehydrated skin looks and feels
9 Tips for Rehydrating Thirsty Skin at Home CONTINUE READING