A woman with under-eye fillers

Filling You In: Everything You Need to Know About Under Eye Fillers

It doesn’t seem to matter how much sleep you get or how much water you drink: your under eye areas still look dark and hollow.

They’re impacting your self-esteem and making you look older and more tired than you actually are.

So what can you do about those dark under eye areas that clash so badly with the rest of your face?

Under eye fillers may be the solution you’re looking for.

And we’ve got the answers to all your most pressing under eye filler questions right here.

Under Eye Hollow Questions and Answers

A happy young business lady

What Are Under Eye Hollows?

Also known as tear troughs, under eye hollows are the dark, tired, sunken areas under your eyes.

Typical under eye areas blend in with the rest of your face, appearing smooth, level and evenly-toned.

But if you have under eye hollows, you’ll perpetually look like you just pulled an all-nighter. You’ll have permanent dark circles and bags, and your eyes may appear sunken in compared to the rest of your face.

What Causes Under Eye Hollows?

Some under eye hollows are genetic in nature. If you have naturally deep-set eyes, the sudden protrusion of your cheekbones can create a hollow appearance, and shadows from your brow can make your eyes appear dark.

But in many cases, under eye hollows develop with age.

The skin under your eyes is thinner and paler than the rest of your skin. As you age, this skin thins out even more, taking on a dark appearance from the blood vessels just underneath it.

Skin also loses elasticity over time, resulting in under eye bags and sagginess.

And as you get older, the fat deposits under your eyes start to disappear. Without this fat to fill out your skin, your under eye areas begin to look hollow.

How Do I Make My Eyes Look Less Tired?

It’s not uncommon for people to think that they have under eye hollows when they actually don’t.

In many cases, dark circles and bags are simply the result of poor sleep, dehydration, allergies or other external causes.

But if you’ve tried correcting these factors and are still suffering from tired eyes, under eye fillers may be right for you.

Under Eye Filler Questions and Answers

What Are Under Eye Fillers?

Under eye fillers are a type of dermal filler — a non-surgical, injectable solution that “fills out” hollow or sunken areas of your face.

Fillers simulate the natural fat deposits that thin out as you age. By replacing these fat pads with fillers, you can maintain a younger, fuller appearance.

Typically, fillers are injected by a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist during an outpatient procedure that lasts around half an hour. The two most common filler brands are Juvederm and Restylane, though others may be available depending on your location.

Will Under Eye Fillers Work for Me?

Under eye fillers are excellent for those with genetic under eye hollows as well as those with hollows caused by aging.

However, the symptoms of under eye hollows are very similar to symptoms of other conditions. In these cases, fillers may not be effective.

If your dark circles are caused by hyperpigmentation, for instance, fillers will not make them appear brighter. Fillers only help with darkness that’s caused by shadows, not discoloration within the skin.

And if your hollow under eye appearance is caused by lack of sleep or allergies, you won’t notice a difference with fillers unless you also resolve the underlying problem.

Those with very large under eye bags should also know that fillers aren’t as effective at filling out severe droopiness. These may require surgical treatment.

What Are Eye Fillers Made Of?

Most under eye fillers are made of hyaluronic acid. This is a compound that’s naturally produced by your skin and serves to keep it plump, hydrated and healthy.

However, hyaluronic acid production decreases as you age. This causes dryness, sunkenness and an overall tired appearance.

Hyaluronic acid fillers provide physical padding for the hollowed areas of your face. They also increase your skin’s overall hyaluronic acid content, allowing it to stay naturally plump even after the fillers wear off.

Fillers can also be made of poly-L-lactic acid or calcium hydroxylapatite, though these thicker fillers are much less common than hyaluronic acid fillers.

Are Eye Fillers Safe?

When injected by a professional, under eye fillers are very safe.

Side effects are generally minimal and short-lived. You may experience redness, bruising or puffiness at the injection site.

If the filler is injected too close to the skin’s surface, your under eye area may become blue and swollen. Should this happen, the effects can be resolved quickly by injecting a compound called hyaluronidase to dissolve the filler.

To minimize your risk, make sure your fillers are injected by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist who has experience working with the under eye area. If your practitioner is not familiar with the anatomy of the eye area, you may get uneven results, scarring or even nerve damage.

How Long Do Under Eye Fillers Last?

A smiling girl with a perfect skin

The longevity of your under eye fillers depends on the type of filler used, as well as several other factors.

Hyaluronic acid fillers typically last between 9 and 12 months, and some people report that their under eye fillers last up to 18 months. Other types of fillers generally last up to two years.

Your fillers may not last as long if you smoke cigarettes. And if you have a high metabolism, you may find that your fillers wear off more quickly than expected.

How Long Does It Take to See Results from Eye Fillers?

You’ll notice a difference instantly after getting under eye fillers. Your under eye hollows will immediately look plumper and fuller than before.

It can take around two weeks for the filler to “settle” into its final position. During this two-week period, you should notice subtle improvements with each passing day.

After two weeks, many doctors recommend returning to the clinic for a checkup and any necessary adjustments. Depending on how the fillers settle, you may need a supplemental injection or a bit of hyaluronidase to dissolve any extra filler.

Is There a Recovery Period with Under Eye Fillers?

There’s no recovery period after you receive under eye fillers. You can immediately return to your normal activities after the injection.

You may experience slight discomfort and swelling for up to 48 hours post-procedure. Bruising and redness may persist for up to a week but can be easily covered with makeup.

Is There an Over-the-Counter Alternative to Eye Fillers?

No at-home alternative will produce equivalent results to eye fillers.

However, temporary hyaluronic acid treatments can plump up your under eye areas for several hours. Used regularly, they can produce longer-lasting results that may be sufficient for mild hollows.

Look for professional-grade hyaluronic acid serums such as Fillerina. These will deliver hyaluronic acid directly where it’s needed most.

You can also try products that contain peptides to even out bags and fine lines. Retinol eye creams can also make a big difference by stimulating your skin’s natural collagen production.

How Much Do Under Eye Fillers Cost?

Under eye fillers are usually priced per syringe, with each costing anywhere from $600 to $1,500. The actual price is highly dependent on your location and the doctor you select.

If your under eye hollows are mild, you may only need one syringe to fill both of them. More severe hollows may require one syringe or more per eye, effectively doubling the overall price.

You’ll need to pay for your under eye fillers out of pocket. They’re considered a cosmetic procedure and are not covered by health insurance.
